Count Bass D has always been a sort of hero of mine. He seems to be completely independent, he records everything himself, he comes from the background of playing the piano, hell, his last name is even the same as mine. And he has a style all his own. His punchlines are little snippets of rearranged wisdom like "don't feed the mouth that bites you". His production is glitzy and dirty at the same time, and particularly soulful on this release with a lot of singing and slow jams, but a different type of slow jam: this is hip hop all the way. The engineering sounds like he didn't bother to check his levels - or he just turned everything way up. It's not overcompressed, it's just clipped into madness. Normally I would hate this but on this album it works for the lo-fi sound he's aiming for. And I know he did it on purpose because there was no trace of it on "Dwight Spitz."
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